A company supporting new graduates
Looking to the future, TotalEnergies relies on students, recent graduates and experienced young people to stay at the forefront of innovation, to transform ourselves and to make things happen. Your vision, your expectations, your way of thinking and your commitment keep us moving in the right direction: towards a sustainable multi-energy world.
We are convinced that you can contribute and develop solutions to today's challenges.
What if your first experience was with TotalEnergies?
As an employer, we contribute to training young people who are better equipped to choose their professional future.
Worldwide, over 7,000 young people under the age of 30 joined us last year on permanent contracts. In France, our commitment to the training and integration of young people is evident at every stage of their school career: on sandwich courses, end-of-study or gap-year internships, VIE (voluntary international service) or higher education courses. We welcome them into international, multi-disciplinary teams and into a multitude of professions: engineers, computer scientists, data scientists, geophysicists, drillers, accountants, financiers, lawyers, economists, business analysts, communicators...
Portraits of apprentices and interns at TotalEnergies :
To try us is to adopt us!
We've received numerous awards confirming that we're a great place to work. Good atmosphere, team spirit, diversity of professions, stimulating environment, autonomy, apprenticeship opportunities, renewable energies: our interns and alternates have nothing but praise for us! In France, we are awarded the HappyTrainees label every year, which measures the recommendation rate given by our interns and apprentices.
recommend TotalEnergies for internships or work-study placement
HappyTrainees label, 2024.
have a good work-life balance
HappyTrainees label, 2024.
feel that their work is useful to the Company
HappyTrainees label, 2024.
Join one of TotalEnergies youth programs

Experience the VIE at TotalEnergies!
How about discovering the world? More than 260 young French and European graduates, with an average age of 25, are on a Volontariat International Entreprise (VIE) program at TotalEnergies. 80 subsidiaries in 40 countries are mobilized to welcome them, generally for 18 months. And all our professions are open to them! On site, we put you in an operational situation, with responsibilities, within our local teams. The program, in force within the company since 2002, has benefited nearly 2,400 young graduates.

Make the difference with our Graduate Programs
Our Graduate Programs in engineering, business and finance offer a unique opportunity to experience a variety of careers, learn quickly and develop an in-depth understanding of the business. Over a period of 18 to 30 months, graduates are given a number of responsible assignments that enable them to experience operational and managerial functions, while acquiring international experience. This is an opportunity to integrate multicultural teams, work on global projects and develop a network. In short, a 360-degree first experience that will accelerate your career!
Scholarships for international students

We sponsor students from the countries where we operate, enabling them to pursue their studies in France and develop their skills in a wide variety of fields. These international scholarship holders are selected by our local teams. They commit to multi-year academic programs, from bachelor's degrees to doctorates. For example, we finance the Master's degrees of several students from IFP School, a French engineering school specializing in energy and sustainable mobility.

In 2023, the Company financed and supported nearly 200 scholarship students from Angola, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Mozambique, Oman, Rwanda, Uganda etc.
Come and meet us

Our goal? To actively involve you in the transformation.
We encourage frank, direct communication with students in order to share our vision of the common good, challenges to be met, and realistic and positive changes to make. We provide many arenas for discussion so that you can understand us better, without the familiar stereotypes. Your voice is important. This is why we are building relationships with schools and universities throughout the world: to get to know you and to show who we are. Forums, round tables and workshops provide opportunities for transparent discussions with our employees, to learn about our jobs and projects, and our HR policies. This is the best way for you to make informed choices.

And you’re welcome to visit our sites!
Every year students visit our offices, industrial facilities, construction projects, solar plants, refineries and laboratories. We also encourage you to take part in our scientific projects as part of your educational curriculum, addressing future-facing subjects such as CCS or hydrogen.
This might interest you as well
TotalEnergies is convinced that a company must be a committed player, above and beyond its economic, social and societal contribution.
The company has therefore chosen to focus its public-interest initiatives primarily on young people, especially the most vulnerable. In France, they are carried out by the TotalEnergies Foundation and contribute to our company's commitment to corporate citizenship.
In 2020, the TotalEnergies Foundation created L'Industreet, a campus dedicated to the industry of the future, in Stains, near Paris.
Industreet has already trained 900 students aged 18-30. This training center for the new professions in industry offers free training and certification, and proposes a pedagogical approach based on “doing in order to learn”.
To also discover

Our Graduate Programs

Applying for a job with us